Chocolate Brownies

by hettychatters

When I was at school, Chocolate Brownies became my ‘thing’ they were always present at the birthdays of my close friends, always requested, and then always always just expected to be there on their day, even on MY birthday, I was expected to make them for everyone
to share. (the sheer cheek of it!)

So I thought this was an appropriate recipe to start blogging with, as it very much is associated with me amongst my friends, yes and I do love them dearly, and I love making brownies, it wasn’t all peer pressure.

Here it is, I much prefer hand written recipes so I’ll include this, trying to give my blog a more homely touch, this recipe is pretty much 4 steps, 6 ingredients, simplicity is all that is needed.

Always bare in mind, you are making something with such delicious ingredients,
it’s pretty hard to have an outcome that is not tastey even if you are not
happy with the look or texture, serve it up with icecream still warm and you
can’t lose. Keep mindful of this, and you will be a happy baker!

Okay, now please enjoy these rather beautiful artisan-esque photos taken by a dear friend I’ll call H,
who was being snap happy, as she is so talented at being, some time last year
when I was cheerily obliging to making brownies at her request.

The photos show, (right to left top row, right to left bottom row) chocolate
butter mix after melting, egg/sugar mix after whisking, (I did it with a hand
whisk here, hard work, takes a good 5 mins) adding the two together, adding the
flour/cocoa mix x2 and finally the mix sat in the baking tin.

Please enjoy, devour, share, eat warm wish lashings of cream or icecream, or leave to set and cool and chop up for gifts and celebrations, or just for sharing when someone looks in need of a Brownie!